Esta es la presentación por si misma de Daniel quien creo trabaja bajo la influencia de un mensaje impersonal que publicaron de forma completa en pero lo importante es que también hicieron otro con un soporte en papel que es este libro de la imagen... Interesante todo el material... Los dejo con la presentación que dejó Daniel en un foro de Holanda...
Hi all,
I just joined this forum and instead of introduction, you might visit
which is an introduction into fractal space/time supersymmetry or
self-same repetition of one reality in space and time, which is
precessional curvature of double helix. What's fractality? It is not
only reconciliation of relativity in quantum framework but also
unveiling of
original knowledge of the past, which is basis of all spiritual and
teachings. It's a science that transcends all theories by unifying
them into only one interpretation, in which there is no difference
between space and time, quantum and relative interpretation, or
between physical and spiritual, because they are two fractal halves of
one whole.
> Double helix fractal curvature is curvature of space in time and/or
> equal and opposite curvature of time in space, which is repetition of
> sizes within sizes and/or cycles within cycle. Time is infinity of
> cycles within a cycle that are light speed difference in between and
> each fractal cycle has its quantum beginning/end, of which next
> quantum change of time is unfailingly due on winter solstice 2012,
> hence fractality is an independent validation of Mayan end of time.
> Moreover, same prophecy is also incorporated into western 24-hrs/60-
> min/60-sec time division, inherited from dawn of time, as well as in
> all teachings of early civilizations. All ancient civilizations were
> privy to knowledge of time cycles and knowledge of time cycles is
> knowledge of fractality (fractal supersymmetry of double helix).
> Fractality is not just a theory, but theory of all theories in which
> all scientific theories, including relativity and quantum uncertainty
> have same meaning – and so do all spiritual teachings. It's
> confirmation of spiritual aspect by physical means and confirmation
> of physical by spiritual means. That ancient knowledge of cycles
> (saros, metonic cycle, Sothic, etc) and their ability to predict what
> modern science cannot, attest to their superior comprehension of
> space/time reality as well as a fact that this civilization is only
> one out of many and is limited to its 5184-year time cycle and it
> will duly expire with its quantum end, when time is not fractal
> passage but an instant space, described as "falling of
> skies", "creation of new earth and haven", return of zep-tepi,
> messiah, times of crossing, judgment day or rising of phoenix bird
> from its own ashes etc.
> Prophet's manual is introductory guide into space/time fractality and
> revelation of ancient wisdom in which there is no difference between
> spiritual/physical, space/time, infinity/singularity etc, because
> it's always relative duality of equal opposites in their inertial
> context, which is 3rd inclusive direction of 3D reality. It's also a
> confirmation of end of cycle in 2012 not as an option or possibility
> open to negotiations but an absolute certainty. What is an option is
> how to utilize its potential, which is equally destructive as is an
> opportunity for instant evolutionary leap.
Why do i post this message in a group from netherlands? Because
Netherlands is beautiful country but it's very low and too close to
the sea and what happen when earth stop in rotation, but water
continues in its inertial path?
> Check it out. Hope you find it interesting.
> Daniel
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